[YamahaDX] DX-100 patch editor / librarian for Mac os 10.7 or 10.9?
teovincent4@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-13 21:02:02 UTC
Hi there!

I'm starting to play my DX100s again, how can I get patches on them? Is there a free or cheap librarian? Midi dump or system exclusive messages?

Baroque bass, orchestra, Theorbo, string section, organs, harpsichords, clav-wah wah, these are my latest ideas. Thanks googols!

man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-13 21:14:49 UTC
Try JSynthLib: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jsynthlib/ https://sourceforge.net/projects/jsynthlib/

It's written in Java, so it ought to work on almost anything.

I haven't used it with a DX100 (don't own one) but it does have support for it.

It works well with my TX7, as an editor and librarian, and works fine as a patch librarian for my TX81Z. There's an editor for that too, but it doesn't work properly - there are modules written separately for each supported synth, so functionality varies, depending on how far the author of that particular module got with it.

teovincent4@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-14 15:56:43 UTC
Hi Andy,

Hey thanks a lot! Now.. eh.. I think I'll plug in the old MIDI interface and see what happens!

Any idea where I can find baroque type patches for it?

Hey u r n angel!

man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-14 17:52:01 UTC
You're welcome, Teo.

I don't know of a source of Baroque patches, sorry. I've come across a few harpsichord patches - does that count? I'm not sure where though.

You can probably use any of the 4OP FM synth patches, like DX11, DX21(?) and TX81Z, not just ones for the DX100. They might not work quite the same, but I think they're all compatible. There's some in the Files section of this group, to start with.

Here's a couple of TX81Z sources:

http://patcharena.com/downloads/index.php?subcat=194 http://patcharena.com/downloads/index.php?subcat=194&ENGINEsessID=d34f82d606ed5ea60d4a1d69330f0f76

https://www.audiobombs.com/items/804/4-op-fm-banks https://www.audiobombs.com/items/804/4-op-fm-banks

This one's for Atari ST based editor software, but there are links to patches too. Apparently, you can still run the editors in an Atari emulator (e.g. STEEM), but I haven't tried:

http://home.kpn.nl/m.tarenskeen/4oplinks.htm http://home.kpn.nl/m.tarenskeen/4oplinks.htm

teovincent4@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-14 22:13:47 UTC
Hi Andy,

Well I've spent a day with that JSynthLib and .. nope, can't send anything to the DX100, though it seems it should work. It says it's been sent to the synth's buffer and I should save on the panel but I have no idea what that means and it doesn't do anything.. I was able to specify DX100 of the three synths, I even see something in a MIDI window, but no patches make it to the DX100 :(

I'll attach 1 thing that is maybe useful, if I want to like tweak the built in sounds.. but I'm sort of bummed I didn't play any music - I try and sightread an hour a day, so much for today's hour! Hours trying.. something called MidiQuest11 too, boy it looks like a million patches! Nothing makes it to the DX100! Yes memory protect is off, sysinfo on..

Thanks googols anyway! Maybe the answer will magically appear here! :)
Lee Borrell templarser@yahoo.co.uk [YamahaDX]
2017-08-14 23:36:46 UTC
Have you tried pressing the keyboard keys after the sysx has transmitted to see if the sound reached the buffer? 
Sysx Dumps are normally sent straight to the memory locations,but it is possible to send to the buffer and then follow the save process as if a recent edit is being saved. If you press a memory key to recall a patch immediately after a sysx dump then you will get the patch from that memory location and not the buffer contents that was transmitted in the sysx.
If the keys sound the patch from the sysx immediately after dumping,it is then necessary to go through a manual store procedure to store the buffer to a memory location. A similar thing can happen on Casio cz.


From: "***@gmail.com [YamahaDX]" <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, 14 August 2017, 23:13
Subject: [YamahaDX] Re: DX-100 patch editor / librarian for Mac os 10.7 or 10.9? [1 Attachment]

  [Attachment(s) from ***@gmail.com [YamahaDX] included below] Hi Andy,

Well I've spent a day with that JSynthLib and .. nope, can't send anything to the DX100, though it seems it should work. It says it's been sent to the synth's buffer and I should save on the panel but I have no idea what that means and it doesn't do anything.. I was able to specify DX100 of the three synths, I even see something in a MIDI window, but no patches make it to the DX100 :(

I'll attach 1 thing that is maybe useful, if I want to like tweak the built in sounds.. but I'm sort of bummed I didn't play any music - I try and sightread an hour a day, so much for today's hour! Hours trying.. something called MidiQuest11 too, boy it looks like a million patches! Nothing makes it to the DX100! Yes memory protect is off, sysinfo on..

Thanks googols anyway! Maybe the answer will magically appear here! :)
Teo #yiv6279604263 #yiv6279604263 -- #yiv6279604263ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6279604263 #yiv6279604263ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv6279604263 #yiv6279604263ygrp-mkp #yiv6279604263hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv6279604263 #yiv6279604263ygrp-mkp #yiv6279604263ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv6279604263 #yiv6279604263ygrp-mkp .yiv6279604263ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv6279604263 #yiv6279604263ygrp-mkp .yiv6279604263ad p {margin:0;}#yiv6279604263 #yiv6279604263ygrp-mkp .yiv6279604263ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6279604263 #yiv6279604263ygrp-sponsor #yiv6279604263ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv6279604263 #yiv6279604263ygrp-sponsor #yiv6279604263ygrp-lc #yiv6279604263hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv6279604263 #yiv6279604263ygrp-sponsor #yiv6279604263ygrp-lc .yiv6279604263ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv6279604263 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man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-15 00:41:31 UTC
Hi Teo,

There was a bit of a learning curve for me to get it to do much too. I know what you mean about losing your practice time. If I'm lucky, I get an hour or two a day when the neighbour above me is out and I can play an acoustic instrument. Really only on week days too; not so much the weekend. It's amazing how often something else gets in the way of using that time, and it gets really frustrating.

As Lee said, it may well be in the edit buffer, as though you'd edited a patch on the synth yourself. So, yes, see if you can play it, then see what the manual says about saving edits.

I started by making sure I could download something from the synth. I tend to do that at the start of a session to check everything's set up. So many things can be wrong - like having left a MIDI selector switch box in the wrong position, in my case, after using a different synth and forgetting I had.

I gave up on MidiQuest quite a while ago. It allegedly works with my Roland JV-1010, but when I tried to actually use it, I realised they'd never finished the job and it was pretty much just a shell without anything behind it of any great use.

teovincent4@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-16 15:44:46 UTC
Hey Mr. Andy!

So that night I was grumping, I came back to it later and YES! I may have not had the MIDI channels correct, and also EVERY TIME I load that JSynthLib I have to go to preferences-drivers-something and choose DX100 drivers, so once I did all that I could send and receive patches!

Nicely I click a patch, a sound icon and it sends it to the keyboard and plays a C. Now I see that my looking for real orchestral instruments is my big task, because most patches are bizarre sounds DJs will love and have overly creative names - meaning they don't describe them that well from a real instrument point of view.

On a YamahaPSR that I use there is a Chamber sound that really love for my modernizing classical. It is like a string section but has punch, you know? The same sound works for bass, mid and solo parts! This is really what I'm looking for, something for the regal Handels but also lyrical Scarlattis, Bach's and baroque - I've decided I can "mess with" or electonicafy baroque, hey, they never even had a piano so piano is already not the original! Also, Chopin was such a poet of the piano, why make him sound weird? Scarlatti is a new passion of mine and I have 15 or so I'm working on, about 4 I'm ready to record any day!

On the other hand, I love the contrast of like Clavinet for bass and a sustained strings type left hand, or piano / keys.. I found a nice Fantasy sound I'll enjoy with oh.. Mono bass in the left when I'm feeling 70's-ish! I'll try and attach my latest bank, though that's where I'm weak now. There is library, then bank, then sound? Well I've loaded my 2 "Freeboards" with this banik, I have a lot of work to find my baroque instruments, then oh! I have a clavinet-wah-wah on another DX100, I'll share that when I get that one out of the closet.. now I have reason!

Thanks bazillions for JSynthLib! I'm on my way! I am eternally grateful!

peas & love,
man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-16 20:21:17 UTC
You're welcome, Teo. I'm glad it's working out.

Yes, I know what you mean. A lot of synth patches fit into the ambient echoey space blip/bleep category. Recently, I've been looking at electric piano patches on my TX7, and I found a few that sound enough like some of the Yamaha Reface CP sounds so that I don't have to feel too bad about not buying one :) Actual acoustic piano sounds are probably better done by a different type of synth engine... The Reface CP hidden/unofficial acoustic piano sound seemed quite realistic, incidentally. I don't know how it compares to the dedicated Yamaha electronic pianos.

I've wondered about the PSRs. They seem good, but they don't seem to do them in my size. I have a PSS-580, which has the DX100 keybed without the mod and ptich bend wheels. That's about the ideal size for me, because I'm short of space, and I like to play a synth on my lap, so three full sized octaves or four mini-key octaves, is about right - preferably without anything else on either side making it wider. I'd like one of those but with velocity, as my main controller.

I'm currently using a Korg MicroKontrol with my synths. The size is good (3 octaves, mini keys), and I like the fact that it has velocity, but the keyboard action isn't so great, especially the black keys. I expect a proper pianist would get frustrated with it very quickly.

man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 00:03:53 UTC
Hmm... I'm not sure I did the attachment right. Maybe it just hasn't appeared yet. If so, perhaps someone could delete this one (2nd attempt).

man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 00:01:00 UTC
Another JSynthLib tip, before I forget:

It seems the best place to specify the MIDI In and Out ports to use, is on the Synth Driver tab of the Preferences window (choose Preferences from the Window menu, then click on the Synth Driver tab). If you click on one of the In or Out ports for a synth, you get to change it.

I had a lot of trouble working out why I couldn't connect, yesterday. I think I'd started up JSynthLab without the MIDI interface plugged in first, or unplugged it while JSynthLab was running, then plugged it in again... I forget.

Eventually, I realised if I tried to Get a patch or patch bank from the synth, it told me it was trying to read it from Microsoft MIDI Mapper, or some such - which it turns out meant it had lost the settings.

I don't know if things are any better on a Mac, but MIDI related software rarely works, in Windows, unless the MIDI interface is connected before you start it up (i.e. not during using it).

I've been trying my TX81Z with my Yamaha PSS-580 as the controller today - same keybed as the DX100. It's a much nicer keyboard than my Korg MicroKontrol.

I guess I can live without velocity response better than I can live with an awkward keyboard where using the black keys is a struggle. The black notes on the Korg keyboard always end up having more velocity too, because of the extra effort of pressing them.

I tried some of the things in your attachment earlier, but I didn't realise that's where it was from - I got it from the Files section... I assume that's the same one. I'll pay more attention next time.

I've attached a small library, partly because I didn't realise you could :)

It's from the TX81Z, but it ought to work on the DX100, as far as I know.

Among other things, it contains the factory A-D banks of the TX81Z (as far as I can tell), though I'm fairly sure I found those in the files section here, plus a back up of what I had in my user bank until recently, which was my first attempt at making wind controller patches to use with the WX5 (a work in progress)... twice, probably, plus a largely empty bank I've been experimenting with today.

That last one ought to be the last bank in the library (assuming it looks the same to you as it does to me). Ignore the first two patches - they're just an "Initial tone" with a slightly less abrupt envelope. After that, there's a voice made out of triangle waves, then some vaguely flute-like ones. The last two of those are the same apart from the octave used for the first three operators - the fourth one is just for texture so I left that alone.

There are a couple of clavs and harpsichords in bank A. You've probably figured out by now that you can right click on a patch and choose Play, without needing to load it into the user bank of the synth, if you have your keyboard connected as a master controller (in Window->Preferences->MIDI).

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 08:58:04 UTC
Post by ***@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
It's from the TX81Z, but it ought to work on the DX100, as far as I know.
Yes and no. It works (or at least it should) but there are differences
which you may or may not notice.

The TX81Z has some new and extended parameters compared to the DX100,
while partially maintaining SysEx compatibility.

- The TX81Z has finer control of operator ratio/frequency
- The TX81Z can set operators to a fixed frequency
- The TX81Z has 8 waveforms for operators, not only sinewave.

And maybe some more things that I don't remember now.

In practice this means you can load TX81Z patches in a DX100, but
sometimes they will sound different or strange, but still maybe quite
usable. For many sounds this will not be a big problem.

And there is difference in banksize.
The TX81Z has 32 patches in one bank, the DX100 only 24.
If you dump a TX81Z bank to a DX100 the last 8 patches in that bank will
be ignored.
man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 12:29:49 UTC
Thanks, Martin.

I'd read bits about the DX100, but confused a lot of it with the DX11, I think. I looked into it earlier, found out it only has sine waves, like the DX7/TX7 (but four of them), and tried to see how to load TX81Z patches onto the DX100 from JSynthLib, I have to admit, I couldn't see a way to do it.

I added the driver for the DX100 (which covers three synths, and you have to specify which in Properties). That meant I could make a bank of DX100 patches, and see what one of them looked like in the editor, but pasting a TX81Z patch into the bank isn't allowed, and sending a patch from a TX81Z bank can only use the TX81Z driver, which maybe won't talk to a DX100, I don't know... Not nearly as easy as I'd expected, if possible at all.

I wondered about just sending the sysex files for each patch, one by one. On Windows I'd try Bome's SendSX, or MIDI-OX. I don't know what the Mac equivalents are.

I also looked into installing your DXconvert, but I don't have Python set up (never tried it), so it's a bit of a learning curve. I got as far as downloading Python, and the recommended bits to go with it, but so far, haven't installed them. It seemed some of the extra bits were Win32 only, so I wasn't sure whether to install that version of Python or the Win64 one, for a start.

I've used C, C++ and PHP, in the past buy Python is new to me. More importantly, installing it is new to me... I may leave it for another day.

'm.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl' m.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 13:11:13 UTC
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<p>Using SendSX or MIDI-OX you can send TX81Z sysex to a DX100. That should not hurt. The unsupported bits and bytes from the TX81Z will simply be ignored by the DX100. The compatible bits and bytes will be accepted. There are some rare cases where using TXconvert to convert from TX81Z to DX100 first will give better results. (Especially better rounding of TX81Z ratios to DX100 ratios). But first try to let your DX100 read and convert single TX81Z patches by itself. Easier.<br><br>MT<br><br>Verzonden vanaf mijn Huawei mobiele telefoon<div class="quote"><br><br>-------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------<br>Onderwerp: Re: [YamahaDX] Re: DX-100 patch editor / librarian for Mac os 10.7 or 10.9?<br>Van: "***@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]" <YamahaDX><br>Aan: ***@yahoogroups.com<br>Cc: <br><br><br type="attribution"><blockquote class="quote" style="border-left:1px #ccc solid;">

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<p>Thanks, Martin.<br><br>I&#39;d read bits about the DX100, but confused a lot of it with the DX11, I think.&nbsp; I looked into it earlier, found out it only has sine waves, like the DX7/TX7 (but four of them), and tried to see how to load TX81Z patches onto the DX100 from JSynthLib,&nbsp; I have to admit, I couldn&#39;t see a way to do it.&nbsp; <br><br>I added the driver for the DX100 (which covers three synths, and you have to specify which in Properties).&nbsp; That meant I could make a bank of DX100 patches, and see what one of them looked like in the editor, but pasting a TX81Z patch into the bank isn&#39;t allowed, and sending a patch from a TX81Z bank can only use the TX81Z driver, which maybe won&#39;t talk to a DX100, I don&#39;t know... Not nearly as easy as I&#39;d expected, if possible at all.<br><br>I wondered about just sending the sysex files for each patch, one by one.&nbsp; On Windows I&#39;d try Bome&#39;s SendSX, or MIDI-OX.&nbsp; I don&#39;t know what the Mac equivalents are.<br><br>I also looked into installing your DXconvert, but I don&#39;t have Python set up (never tried it), so it&#39;s a bit of a learning curve.&nbsp; I got as far as downloading Python, and the recommended bits to go with it, but so far, haven&#39;t installed them.&nbsp; It seemed some of the extra bits were Win32 only, so I wasn&#39;t sure whether to install that version of Python or the Win64 one, for a start.<br><br>I&#39;ve used C, C&#43;+ and PHP, in the past buy Python is new to me.&nbsp; More importantly, installing it is new to me... I may leave it for another day.<br><br>Andy</p>


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man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 13:34:43 UTC
Good to know. Thanks, Martin.

It's Teo that has the DX100, but since I'd suggested that he could use TX81Z patches, I thought I should see how that's done - probably not directly in JSynthLib then, but still promising.

Once some have been loaded into the DX100 user bank, they could be saved with JSynthLib, of course.

teovincent4@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-16 15:52:40 UTC
Hiya Lee!

I'm just thanking you for helping! Now I'm on a quest for real baroque instrument sounding patches! Any help where to snoop|

Thanks googols bud!
'm.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl' m.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 14:55:19 UTC
One more thing: TX81Z sysex banks (32 patches) and DX100 sysex banks (24 patches + 8 initvoice patches) use the same fileformat (4104 bytes). I think JSynthLib can load these both with dx100 and tx81z driver. But single patch sysex format is different. JSynthLib library files can contain single patches and/or 32-patch-banks.

I will play around a little with my copy of JSynthLib. Maybe there is another way to load tx81z libraries with dx100/21 driver.


Verzonden vanaf mijn Huawei mobiele telefoon
man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 15:09:33 UTC
That sounds promising.

In that case, maybe Teo could just install both drivers, with the same MIDI port settings, use the TX81Z driver to send the patch, then use the DX100 driver to read it back again.

I've attached a screenshot (of JSynthLib in Windows 7) showing where to set the Property to tell the relevant driver it's for a DX100.

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 15:29:23 UTC
Post by ***@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
In that case, maybe Teo could just install both drivers, with the same MIDI
port settings, use the TX81Z driver to send the patch
... in which case the patch will be sent to both synths at the same time,
if they receive on the same MIDI/device channel.
Is that possible? Have not tried that yet.
Post by ***@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
then use the
driver to read it back again.
... maybe even that will not be necessary?
Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 15:31:14 UTC
... in which case the patch will be sent to both synths at the same time, if
they receive on the same MIDI/device channel.
Is that possible? Have not tried that yet.
Please ignore my remarks.
man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 15:58:38 UTC
No problem. Some confusion is inevitable, I think :)

What I was thinking was that a TX81Z patch or bank could maybe be sent to Teo's DX100 after all - JSynthLib would just have to think it's a TX81Z, temporarily.

When you "Get" a patch or bank from a synth, in JSynthLib, you get to specify the type of synth, so a single patch or the user bank could be read back, and stored in the correct format for the DX100.

man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 16:11:55 UTC
Here's a useful looking page I found earlier. Some of the links are dead, but there are zip files you can download, with DX100 patches in them :

http://nuxmicromedia.com/4ophq/cgi-bin/dx4op.cgi?mode=dx100 http://nuxmicromedia.com/4ophq/cgi-bin/dx4op.cgi?mode=dx100

I haven't tried playing any yet, but I downloaded and extracted one of the zips to check - it looks okay.

To try them; extract one of the zips into a folder, create a new library in JSynthLib then on the File menu, choose Import All and browse to that folder. In Windows 7, the folder looks empty, but if so, just ignore that and proceed anyway.

I've just done that for DX27-100_20_Banks.zip, so far. JSynthLib identifies them as banks of DX100 patches, with the first 24 patches in use and the last 8 left blank.

man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-19 16:31:08 UTC
... shorter version - I've attached a JSynthLib library with all the banks I was able to get from those zip files, on the page I linked to.

I used the option to automatically put the file names in Field 1, and I've added zip/folder names in Field 2, at the start of each section.

There's duplication of names, for the ones that are just numbered, because two of the zips had banks named 1-20, and they may have exactly the same patches in them; I haven't checked.

One that was supposed to be lots of breath control patches imported as just one bank. The other files in there might not be compatible.

teovincent4@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-24 15:02:04 UTC
Total preliminary tests but I like to share.

These are TOTALLY unedited and full of mistakes.

The Bach Air you see I'm experimenting with sustain pedal on the organ side, to get an effect.

The Scarlatti, well I always do those types first time dry - no sustain - 2nd time with sustain pedal. I have a piano recording of that Scarlatti - and also my Bach Air - where I always do AABB the first times "dry" - not a word understood by pianists but we know what I mean, then the 2nd time the sustain allows amazing dissonances.

I haven't had time to work with and record the new sounds I've found, I've only gone through maybe 2/3 of the banks I found, the ability to organize them is really nice though!

I hope it's appropriate to share these totally unfinished at all pieces. I like the fact they are totally left and right channels so sorry if you are missing a speaker!

May these gifts shared be taken with the same vibe they are shared with.

man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-24 18:06:28 UTC
Good stuff, Teo.

Is that a keyboard split, two different patches, or just the way one patch sounds in two different ranges?

I've got a bit of a balance problem on the Bach - the left channel / bass is quite a lot louder. The Scarlatti one is better balanced, for me.

I normally wear my main headphones backwards, so the cable is where I want it, which compounded the problem because my left ear is largely deaf to treble. It's better when I turn them the way they're meant to be, which puts the left hand / bass notes on the left, but there's still quite a difference - maybe not so much to other people though.

Have you played with keyboard range scaling, in the patch editor? I tend to adjust that a fair bit because the high notes on FM patches usually sound a lot louder to me, if it's left off (to my right ear, that is). This seems to have gone the other way a bit. It probably depends on the listener though, and how good their hearing and headphones are :)

teovincent4@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-26 18:00:19 UTC
Hi Andy et all,

I'm new (this time) to how to use these groups, I'll learn better how to see who I'm replying to and who to thank for their time.

I want to get into some tweaking of sounds like you mentioned keyboard scaling, but at this second I'm warming up to how well I can play these baroque pieces with and without sustain pedal, and here today I can share some that have the left and right mix or lack of in mind. It's the 2 DX-100s "Freeboards" I call it.

I also don't know if I can attach 10MB a day into these groups or if that's too much memory. These files today are a Scarlatti piece I can't wait to really record but I'm seeing it this sound Harpsichord2 I found is better than the built in Harpsichord Low and Harpsichord High. My initial answer is no.

I might use Harpsichord2 on a song where harpsichord is ONLY in the higher notes, I like it's brightness but the lowest notes aren't anywhere as good as Harpsichord Low. Of course I feel bad trying to emulate a real instrument, go buy a harpsichord! Well, I'll be tweaking my organ sounds next, and trying out the breath controller on patches for solos! That'll be a blast on some songs!

I also have to apologize in advance, I am a time-bandit, I'll talk your ear off if you let me. This whole designing a way to perform 2 keyboards live while no pedals on the floor is a neat thing but so many issues! Y-Jacks into sustain pedal jacks, then 1 day I'll want to run them both MIDI and jam channel 10 percussion, I have a whole show setup with that I'll share later!

So I hope this is appropriate to share these - at least these are edited, no MAJOR mistakes, though none are the full song.

http://webpageexperience.com/process/170825-001Harpsichord2.mp3 http://webpageexperience.com/process/170825-001Harpsichord2.mp3
http://webpageexperience.com/process/170825-001Harpsichord2LargeRoom50.mp3 http://webpageexperience.com/process/170825-001Harpsichord2LargeRoom50.mp3

http://webpageexperience.com/process/170825-002High&LowHarpsichord.mp3 http://webpageexperience.com/process/170825-002High&LowHarpsichord.mp3
http://webpageexperience.com/process/170825-002High&LowHarpsichordLargeRoom50.mp3 http://webpageexperience.com/process/170825-002High&LowHarpsichordLargeRoom50.mp3

Inda says maybe too much reverb, I agree.. I'll likely use a bigger room like hall reverb but 30%. This also mixes the left and right nicely doesn't it! Like you said before, when I have 2 instruments going it could be quite the issue!

So I've decided the High&Low harpsichords sound better overall, meaning the low notes sound like a harpsichord I think. The Harpsichord2 has great sound though! If I just wanted a right hand part I might use it. I still have 2 or 3 Harpsichord patches I have to test - 1 is completely out of tune! I don't know why, I think it's called 1700Keyboard, more on that later.

My real questions today are: Can I just upload / attach these files into this group or will an admin frown at me at some point? I can upload them into my site Givnology.com but probably not direct linked like above "hotlinked" but my webpateexperience where they are now will get full soon doing this..

Second question, baroque patches! This is what I want, similar to "Chamber" on my Yamaha PSR 320 (I think) it works great for bass AND string section sounds!
http://webpageexperience.com/process/130717AlbinoniUndedited.mp3 http://webpageexperience.com/process/130717AlbinoniUndedited.mp3
That's totally unedited sorry! If I find great baroque orchestra sounds that or like Theorbo bass/guitar I'll be in 7th heaven!

Thanks for your time,
man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-27 18:33:09 UTC
Hi Teo,

I like the sound of Harpsichord2 better for the right hand notes, but Harpsichord Low sounds better for the bass notes in those recordings, I agree. You could probably make a Performance patch with a keyboard split, to combine the two, but it might be simpler to just use one patch on each DX100, if you're playing two at once.

You can, in theory, make something a bit more like your PSR patch using a Performance patch too. It's something I've never done though, and I don't know the details of how to do it on a DX100. Using the front panel for editing one ought to be an option, if all else fails. There aren't as many parameters to set as when you edit a voice.

I'm not so keen on the reverb, but I rarely get on with reverbs. I've bought a couple of different guitar pedal ones and I'm not happy with those either. They always sound too fake, to me. When I've tried one with a guitar it just got in the way of hearing what I was playing, properly.

'm.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl' m.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
2017-08-27 18:44:39 UTC
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<p>DX100 does not have performance mode. Several synths from the 4op FM family (fb01, tx81z, dx11, ys200, v50) did, but not the cute little dx100.<br><br>MT<br><br>Verzonden vanaf mijn Huawei mobiele telefoon<div class="quote"><br><br>-------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------<br>Onderwerp: [YamahaDX] Re: DX-100 patch editor / librarian for Mac os 10.7 or 10.9?<br>Van: "***@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]" <YamahaDX><br>Aan: ***@yahoogroups.com<br>Cc: <br><br><br type="attribution"><blockquote class="quote" style="border-left:1px #ccc solid;">

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<p>Hi Teo,<br><br>I like the sound of Harpsichord2 better for the right hand notes, but Harpsichord Low sounds better for the bass notes in those recordings, I agree.&nbsp; You could probably make a Performance patch with a keyboard split, to combine the two, but it might be simpler to just use one patch on each DX100, if you&#39;re playing two at once.<br><br>You can, in theory, make something a bit more like your PSR patch using a Performance patch too.&nbsp; It&#39;s something I&#39;ve never done though, and I don&#39;t know the details of how to do it on a DX100.&nbsp; Using the front panel for editing one ought to be an option, if all else fails.&nbsp; There aren&#39;t as many parameters to set as when you edit a voice.<br><br>I&#39;m not so keen on the reverb, but I rarely get on with reverbs.&nbsp; I&#39;ve bought a couple of different guitar pedal ones and I&#39;m not happy with those either.&nbsp; They always sound too fake, to me.&nbsp; When I&#39;ve tried one with a guitar it just got in the way of hearing what I was playing, properly.<br><br>Andy</p>


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man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-27 18:54:20 UTC
I see. I didn't realise that. My TX81Z has it, yes. I've never tried it though.

I'm more of a woodwind and brass person, really. One instrument sound at a time is enough, for the likes of me :)

teovincent4@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-29 17:27:59 UTC
Hi Andy et all,

My Firefox wasn't working, anyway after lifetimes of restarting EVERYTHING I think I can attach files, I'm in Safari now, fingers crossed!

I have been making jokes about how MODES and MOODS seem related. I think I have chops with sustained tones creating dissonances because I lived through hard times, used to play such moody Organ when I lived on Oregon street, Organ street? He he.. now I can laugh about it but I think my sustain pedal on the organ is not TOO overdone, I just want some unique touch you know?

Thanks for bearing with me. Sorry for the wrong notes! I hope this is appropriate to share this way. Thanks again for any comments or suggestions!


helfried2de@yahoo.de [YamahaDX]
2017-08-28 18:19:32 UTC
and the old 4op DX21 has a simple performance mode, which allows layering of 2 sounds - it makes it a much more powerful instrument than the DX100, DX9, and the DX27. It is able to produce wide, detuned stereo sounds, that even
helfried2de@yahoo.de [YamahaDX]
2017-08-28 19:12:05 UTC
...the 1st gen DX7 cannot :-)
teovincent4@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-29 16:43:38 UTC
Hi Helfried, MT and Andy!

I have edited patches in the past (on my cute little DX-100) I even made my own Wah-wah! I think I can improve the punch of some of the orchestra / strings patches I have and have found. The strangest thing is how 1 patch can be good for something else!

I was looking for a reasonable bass in the internal patches, the plucked guitar is really great!

Again I hope this is appropriate to share this IN-PROCESS unfinished work, I'm currently playing the 2 side by side, sustain pedal on the floor. I eventually will have them both strapped on as in the picture, sustain pedal under my arm. For now, you'll see, I'm getting quite the effect with the sustain on 1 patch, staccato bass patch in the other hand.

This is a morph from my old daze wild latin/jazz/flamenco/blues/space music I used to do, now I'm applying weirdness but tastefully (SURE!)

This is AmadeusProII - Apple Audio Units - Matrix Reverb with soooo many settings! I put as you'll see 30& on the large hall and 1 time 40%, a main reason is this way it's not ONLY left track - right track, it mixes them somewhat. I personally prefer dry too, thanks for the comments there too!

I REEEEEALLY appreciate your agreeing about the Harpsichord2 is best for right hand but I'll stick with the built in for the time being, so many to test! For the exact moment.. late last night I decided to try the basses and found also a Zither makes a great one! Not really natural sounding, but bouncy highs and deep lows! Forgive the mistakes, and enjoy!


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