[YamahaDX] Pitchbend
geoff baltan geoffbaltan@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2018-11-27 11:52:04 UTC
Hi All -

I wanted to ask a couple of questions about how pitch bend is
implemented in a DX7 (mark 1). I'm controlling it with an external
MIDI signal.

1. I believe the range of potential values is 0 to 16382, or 16384.
I'm a little unclear about which. It would mean that either 8191 or
8192 is the "center point" (no bend added). Is that all correct?

2. I believe that you can program the DX7 so that the pitch wheel
doesn't use the "full excursion", but presumably that doesn't change
the range of 0 to 16384, on a patch-by-patch basis. So, in terms of
pitch, what is the actual range here? Is it something that can be
measured in semitones?

3. It does not seem possible to assign pitchbends to individual notes.
I know that the DX7 II has some kind of a pitch reprogramming
feature.. but is there any way to do something similar with a DX7 I?

Thanks all,
'm.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl' m.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
2018-11-27 12:27:13 UTC
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<p>2000H is the center - that's 8192 decimal.<br><br>MT<br><br>Verzonden vanaf mijn Huawei mobiele telefoon<div class="quote"><br><br>-------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------<br>Onderwerp: [YamahaDX] Pitchbend<br>Van: "geoff baltan ***@gmail.com [YamahaDX]" <YamahaDX><br>Aan: ***@yahoogroups.com<br>Cc: <br><br><br type="attribution"><blockquote class="quote" style="border-left:1px #ccc solid;">

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<p>Hi All -<br>


I wanted to ask a couple of questions about how pitch bend is<br>

implemented in a DX7 (mark 1). I&#39;m controlling it with an external<br>

MIDI signal.<br>


1. I believe the range of potential values is 0 to 16382, or 16384.<br>

I&#39;m a little unclear about which. It would mean that either 8191 or<br>

8192 is the &quot;center point&quot; (no bend added). Is that all correct?<br>


2. I believe that you can program the DX7 so that the pitch wheel<br>

doesn&#39;t use the &quot;full excursion&quot;, but presumably that doesn&#39;t change<br>

the range of 0 to 16384, on a patch-by-patch basis. So, in terms of<br>

pitch, what is the actual range here? Is it something that can be<br>

measured in semitones?<br>


3. It does not seem possible to assign pitchbends to individual notes.<br>

I know that the DX7 II has some kind of a pitch reprogramming<br>

feature.. but is there any way to do something similar with a DX7 I?<br>


Thanks all,<br>




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Bruce Wahler bw@ashbysolutions.com [YamahaDX]
2018-11-27 13:39:04 UTC
3. I don't believe that individual pitch bend is available on the DX7,
any version.  And polyphonic aftertouch isn't available. The only
thing that one can do on DX7II, TX802, etc. is program layers where
each layer responds to pitch differently.  To use this to bend
individual notes of a chord, for example, one must use multiple MIDI
channels.  The original DX7 only supports one MIDI channel.



Bruce Wahler
Ashby Solutions.com™
Post by geoff baltan ***@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
Hi All -
I wanted to ask a couple of questions about how pitch bend is
implemented in a DX7 (mark 1). I'm controlling it with an external
MIDI signal.
1. I believe the range of potential values is 0 to 16382, or 16384.
I'm a little unclear about which. It would mean that either 8191 or
8192 is the "center point" (no bend added). Is that all correct?
2. I believe that you can program the DX7 so that the pitch wheel
doesn't use the "full excursion", but presumably that doesn't change
the range of 0 to 16384, on a patch-by-patch basis. So, in terms of
pitch, what is the actual range here? Is it something that can be
measured in semitones?
3. It does not seem possible to assign pitchbends to individual notes.
I know that the DX7 II has some kind of a pitch reprogramming
feature.. but is there any way to do something similar with a DX7 I?
Thanks all,
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