I got these to work by extracting about 33 patches using a hex editor. Seems
the first Tamboura patch was unpacked and the rest were packed. Made a new
file, upload, check out and download and have them in good form now.
There were 4 dupes. Don't know which were meant to be the Eno patches.
From: ***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:***@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 5:16 AM
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [YamahaDX] Brian Eno DX7 Patches
SysEx file has strange format - 4281 bytes, and besides Eno patches there
are some pianos and E-pianos. Did somebody transmit it to DX7, what was the
result? Was it accepted?
There's another file in Files section - MaybeEno (uploaded 2002), which has
a proper format 4104 bytes, there are 9 patches, the rest initialized.
Two patch list show usual small mistake from the side of programmer - not
initialized Key Level break points, when KLS depth is 0. Kind of unclean
coding :-) Sometimes these parameters - when not in use in the sound itself
- were used for "hidden" watermarks of sound creator...
Interesting is Glide patch where two operators are not used (output level =
Daniel Forro
On May 17, 2017, at 6:27 AM, ***@yahoo.fr [YamahaDX] wrote:
The news is fresh but the original article from 1987. Well it's up top you :
4 patches from M. Eno >