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<p>Hi,<br>I am investigating WT11 factory preset voices (112 in 4 banks in ROM), factory performances (32 x 3 banks), and WT11 documentation. I now have all datadumps (thanks to Paul Deco) and sysex specs that I need to convert all this into performance+voice banks that I can use on my V50 (including DSP FX) or on a TX81z or DX11.<br><br>It can be done, but isn't as straightforward as I would wish. Working on it, be patient.<br><br>MT<br><br>Verzonden vanaf mijn Huawei mobiele telefoon<div class="quote"><br><br>-------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------<br>Onderwerp: Re: [YamahaDX] Re: Yamaha WT11 factory patches / performances, on a TX81Z? [5 Attachments]<br>Van: "***@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]" <YamahaDX><br>Aan: ***@yahoogroups.com<br>Cc: <br><br><br type="attribution"><blockquote class="quote" style="border-left:1px #ccc solid;">
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<p>It turns out that saving a performance from one of the preset banks to the I bank, just saves the performance - it doesn't copy any VMEM entries with it. <br><br>That explains what Martin pointed out about my three dumps, which I'd hoped were banks A-C - they're not; they're just the performances from those banks, with the original RAM VMEM data.<br><br>There is a table in the WT11 manual which allegedly describes the sysex structure of performances, but they left out the explanation of what each field does. The overview is still useful though. Each performance has (among other things) entries for 8 voices, and each of those has a vmem number, which is 0-127. <br><br>There was no clue which vmem number pointed to what, but it appears to be the same as the default Program Change table:<br><br>0-31 belongs to bank I<br>32-63 is bank A<br>64-95 is bank B<br>96-127 is bank C<br><br>- though I guess any ROM voice can be used for any performance, so maybe that's not a strict rule, apart from the first 32 corresponding to the 32 VMEM locations in RAM, which I've verified.<br><br>I confirmed this by using the Secret Mode, to edit performances and look at the vmem numbers (all I looked at were greater than 32). I then made a bank of 32 performances, each with one voice, and a vmem number pointing to each of the 32 vmem locations (0-31), and named with the vmem number as part of the name - so I01 is called VM00... I32 is called VM31.<br><br>I overwrote the 32 RAM VMEM entries by sending the Sal Galina TX81Z voices which are from the cassette that came with the Expressive FM Applications book - at least that's what they're supposed to be. <br><br>That worked, but sending the performances that came with them didn't - a couple looked okay, a lot had blank names and a lot didn't do anything, or only played in one ear. So, I put the "one per VMEM" performance bank back on - all fine.<br><br>Next I loaded back a complete dump I'd made after saving each of the B bank entries to the corresponding I bank - that plays bank B, but it's by using vmem numbers pointing into the ROM. I know that because I then put the "one per" performances back, and it played sounds from bank A. It wasn't exactly the same though. Some were just short attack sounds, so those are evidently used as a layer in a patch.<br><br>I've attached:<br><br>The performance bank which indexes VMEM 0-31 as I01 to I32 (with names like VM00),<br><br>A complete dump with that "one per" performance bank, and what was originally in my 32 RAM VMEM locations - which turns out to have been the initial data from bank A, as far as I can tell - unless one or two have been overwritten by the previous owner.<br><br>Sal Galina's TX81Z voices (which work on the WT11), and performances (which don't) and the list of patch names - useful for reference, because the WT11 doesn't show those, so they'd have to be copied into the performance names.<br><br>The "one per" performances can be used with any TX81Z voices bank, of course - it's only necessary to send the new voices bank, once that's been loaded. I've been using MIDI-OX to do it.<br><br>- Andy</p>
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