[YamahaDX] And now I have one
m.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
2018-10-23 07:21:59 UTC

I already owned 2-operator FM synth (PSS480), several 4-op FM synths (FB01, V50, Orla DSE24), and a classic DX7 sound 6-op FM synth (TX7). And now I am the really proud owner of an 8-operator FM synth. And no, it's not the FS1R. It's a rare and almost impossible to find FVX-1 rackmodule that now is mine.

Does anyone have any idea how many of these were produced and how few still exist on this globe?
You probably have never seen one, maybe you have only heard of it. There is some but not much info on the internet here:

Yamaha FVX-1 - Specifications, pictures, prices, links, reviews and ratings https://sonicstate.com/synth/yamaha_fvx-1/
The Yamaha HX-1 Electone fan site - FVX-1 http://www.yamahahx.com/hxplugins/fvx1.html

MATRIXSYNTH: Yamaha FVX-1 https://www.matrixsynth.com/2006/10/yamaha-fvx-1.html

MDREliminator https://mdreliminator.yolasite.com/

danforcz danforcz@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
2018-10-23 08:29:02 UTC
Hey, Martin,

congratulations! That’s great you could find it. Will you write how much have you paid?

I always wanted this one, but until now I couldn't find it even here in Japan. I don’t check Japanese auctions often, only second hand shops here around Nagoya, and offer of HardOff chain of second hand gear on the internet. No FVX

I also don’t know how many of them were produced. True is that Electone organs were sold mainly in Japan and other Asian countries, not so much in Europe and USA. So it’s possible that some FVX must be somewhere in Japan, but I still didn’t meet any.

Some algorithms combine 4+4 operators, there are also 5+3, and some are real 8 OP combinations! ALG 15 with 8 carriers is good for organ sounds, two more carriers than DX7 has :-)

There was some DOS editor for it, and maybe some other.

MIDI SysEx implementation in Owner’s manual is probably not complete, but anyway it is a question if there’s something like individual parameter control - when this machine was constructed by organ division, not synth division in Yamaha, they didn’t suppose that customer who bought Electone organ will go so deep and need any SysEx programming.

Maybe changes are done in bulk dump block, and one patch or whole bulk dump has to be sent when some change is done. But other instruments from those times (DX7 II D
) had individual parameter SysEx control, so who knows, FVX can have it also, but unpublished. I’m sure you will find all those commands and messages by reverse engineering and bulk dump format analysis :-) Or try that editor, maybe it sends such data when parameter value is changed.

Somebody on Canada Ebay sells Service manual for it and more machines connected with it:

https://www.ebay.com/itm/Electone-Expander-Module-MDX-1-FVX-1-AVX-1-MBS-10-RAX-1-Service-Manual/232951261863?hash=item363cfa2aa7:g:yXkAAOSwHuha8wTW:rk:2:pf:0 <https://www.ebay.com/itm/Electone-Expander-Module-MDX-1-FVX-1-AVX-1-MBS-10-RAX-1-Service-Manual/232951261863?hash=item363cfa2aa7:g:yXkAAOSwHuha8wTW:rk:2:pf:0>

It would be great if you buy it and scan
 I’m really interested to see how it is done.

My search will continue! And, if you want to sell it one day, let me know please.

Daniel Forro
Post by ***@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
I already owned 2-operator FM synth (PSS480), several 4-op FM synths (FB01, V50, Orla DSE24), and a classic DX7 sound 6-op FM synth (TX7). And now I am the really proud owner of an 8-operator FM synth. And no, it's not the FS1R. It's a rare and almost impossible to find FVX-1 rackmodule that now is mine.
Does anyone have any idea how many of these were produced and how few still exist on this globe?
Yamaha FVX-1 - Specifications, pictures, prices, links, reviews and ratings <https://sonicstate.com/synth/yamaha_fvx-1/>
The Yamaha HX-1 Electone fan site - FVX-1 <http://www.yamahahx.com/hxplugins/fvx1.html>
MATRIXSYNTH: Yamaha FVX-1 <https://www.matrixsynth.com/2006/10/yamaha-fvx-1.html>
MDREliminator <https://mdreliminator.yolasite.com/>
Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
2018-10-23 09:10:51 UTC
Post by danforcz ***@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
congratulations! That’s great you could find it. Will you write how
much have you paid?
You can imagine I wasn't the only person interested in buying this unit so
I had to pay a little more than I had in mind. 710 euro.
Post by danforcz ***@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
Some algorithms combine 4+4 operators, there are also 5+3, and some
are real 8 OP combinations!  ALG 15 with 8 carriers is good for organ
sounds, two more carriers than DX7 has :-) 
Yes it has a lot of FM power!
Post by danforcz ***@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
There was some DOS editor for it, and maybe some other.
I found a relatively new Windows based editor. My plan is to try it and at
the same time try to capture and analyse the SysEx messages it is
That should make reverse-engineering a little bit more easy. I hope. I
want to know how this beast works internally.
Post by danforcz ***@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
MIDI SysEx implementation in Owner’s manual is probably not complete
It sure isn't.
Post by danforcz ***@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
A service manual is good to have. thanks for the link, I will go after it.
Maybe I need to change a battery and I should check for bad capacitors.
But from the outside it seems to be in good condition and it sounds and
functions perfectly after my first tests.
Post by danforcz ***@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
It would be great if you buy it and scan
 I’m really interested to see
how it is done.
My search will continue!
Same here
Post by danforcz ***@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
And, if you want to sell it one day, let me know please. 
Not very likely, and not very soon, but who knows ... :-)
pnetops@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
2018-10-23 09:27:56 UTC
Congratulations on your acquisition! But - if you should sell it, don't sell it to Daniel, he doesn't have any room for more synths :-D
danforcz danforcz@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
2018-10-23 10:05:57 UTC
Hi, Jan,

yes, you are almost right, our house is not inflatable :-) I occupy almost three rooms in the house, and two rooms in stock house and garden house.

But because in every good studio there’s always at least one machine (or cable or so
) missing, there’s still some space for new cosy little toys with buttons and lights making strange noises at my place. Especially welcomed when the keyboard is missing :-) In the worse case I will throw away from the window our upright Yamaha piano, it has no buttons, no lights and no power cable.

Post by ***@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
Congratulations on your acquisition! But - if you should sell it, don't sell it to Daniel, he doesn't have any room for more synths :-D
Lee Borrell templarser@yahoo.co.uk [YamahaDX]
2018-10-23 10:26:36 UTC
Well done Martin. All retro gear must be getting rarer. Let's hope the remaining examples end up in the hands of those who prize them,as indeed you must :-)


On Tuesday, 23 October 2018, 08:22:11 GMT+1, ***@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


I already owned 2-operator FM synth (PSS480), several 4-op FM synths (FB01, V50, Orla DSE24), and a classic DX7 sound 6-op FM synth (TX7). And now I am the really proud owner of an 8-operator FM synth. And no, it's not the FS1R. It's a rare and almost impossible to find FVX-1 rackmodule that now is mine.

Does anyone have any idea how many of these were produced and how few still exist on this globe?You probably have never seen one, maybe you have only heard of it. There is some but not much info on the internet here:
Yamaha FVX-1 - Specifications, pictures, prices, links, reviews and ratingsThe Yamaha HX-1 Electone fan site - FVX-1

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