Hi David, yes we have some idea of how to dump voices, as Daniel Forró mentioned, it is described on page 52 in the FVX1 user manual, it definitely needs interpretation:
To make FVX send you the 8 common user voice banks:
F0 43 70 70 15 F7
To get FVX to receive the same 8 common user voice banks:
F0 43 70 70 20 F7 followed by the voice data.
Regarding sending/Receiving a single voice
It is possible to send or receive only a single voice or a partial voice parameters, it will take a little more effort to figure out the format of the command sequence. I have had success so far doing that on the HX1, and the HS6, but it is not described in the respective user manuals, neither is it described in the FVX1 user manual. I have seen it described in the Electone US1 user manual though, if you want to take a look, you will see that there are certain addresses that you need to specify when making these calls, and I did find those by trial and error on the HS6, so I know it is possible to do so, it only took a couple of beers and patience.
As for a start, you can make a All RAM data dump as described on page 52 you need to send F0 43 70 70 10 F7
We can analyse it an see what voices that does include, and possibly it will give us some leads on how to to a voice dump on a particular voice or just a partial voice even.
Are you familiar with using a Syxex librarian, or maybe MIDIOX? what OS do you have?
Regarding a Voice editor I can tell you that the project is still alive and I am pretty determined to proceed, currently the research is limited to the 8 operator FM voices on the HX1. Based on the knowledge me and François have obtained so far I am pretty sure that the main obstacle in making an editor, that is compatible with both HX and FVX, is only breaking the Request-to-Send FM Voice Data command recipe the FVX.
Gunnar K
---In ***@yahoogroups.com, <***@...> wrote:
I have an FVX-1. Any idea how I can dump the voices?
It's a superb sounding synth. It would be nice to be able to edit it filly but even just editing the parameters you can and layering, it sounds wonderful.
---In ***@yahoogroups.com, <***@...> wrote:
The HS is a 4op per voice, the HX is the one with 8 operator voices, I think you were thinking about the HX Charlie.
In FVX-1 and HX-1, Algos 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,17,18,19,20,21,25,27,31,32,60,61,62,63.. do use a single carrier and 7 modulators.
On the other hand, the algos with 2 carriers are those most used i believe, using the channel pressure envelope for a transition between these two carriers.
Gunnar K
Post by charlie midi gfaWOW I REALLY GOT MY WORK AHEAD OF ME
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 10:19 AM
Subject: [YamahaDX] Re: Yamaha FVX-1 Voice Dump
Post by drepallaThanks for replying charlie, getting the HS voices is no problem, I have
access to them and can send them to you if you want. I should mention that
the HS has some digital filters internally, so it can be a little tricky
to get them to sound similarly on the TZ816 because of that.
Additionally to the HS/FVX-1 relation, the dump will help to make the
FVX-1 compatible with a Poly 8op OPLP based editor/converter, as well as
importing the FVX-1 sounds to the HX-1 tone generator.
Gunnar K
Post by charlie midi gfaanyway i can get these hs voices ,
my aim a few months ago was to transscribe the hs voice set and layer up in
my tz816 a set of perfs and voices similar to the hs series
sadily i have no spare time to do so.
any progress i may make will be welcome
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 5:51 PM
Subject: [YamahaDX] Yamaha FVX-1 Voice Dump
Post by drepallaHi all, I am looking for a voice dump from the Yamaha FVX-1 and I was
wondering if there is someone here in the group who has one, or maybe dump
file, preferably voice. The unit came shipped with a bunch of converted HS
series FM voices. So I figure that by merely comparing these with the
original HS voices, there should be possible to obtain all the relations
between the voice parameters of these two units quite easily.
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