legionhwp@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-06-24 05:02:45 UTC
Is there a step by step instuaction guide for sending One single patch from a tx81x to a pc via sysex. I have dozens of sysex banks of sounds that I can make asily send to thme tx81z (I'm using midi ox ) and arch have about 1-2 sounds I love. So I'd like to send the bank to the TD then send one sound only back and eventually load sounds individual to create my ideal ram kit.
As an alternative if anyone know a way to send a sysex bank to any of the A-D banks and not overwrite i1-32 that would work too,
I only have generic sysex software, no editor' so I don mind round about ways of doing this but can't seem to figure out how to send one patch at a time to the pc.
Any help appareciated
As an alternative if anyone know a way to send a sysex bank to any of the A-D banks and not overwrite i1-32 that would work too,
I only have generic sysex software, no editor' so I don mind round about ways of doing this but can't seem to figure out how to send one patch at a time to the pc.
Any help appareciated