[YamahaDX] Sending ONE patch from tx81z via sysex?
legionhwp@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-06-24 05:02:45 UTC
Is there a step by step instuaction guide for sending One single patch from a tx81x to a pc via sysex. I have dozens of sysex banks of sounds that I can make asily send to thme tx81z (I'm using midi ox ) and arch have about 1-2 sounds I love. So I'd like to send the bank to the TD then send one sound only back and eventually load sounds individual to create my ideal ram kit.

As an alternative if anyone know a way to send a sysex bank to any of the A-D banks and not overwrite i1-32 that would work too,

I only have generic sysex software, no editor' so I don mind round about ways of doing this but can't seem to figure out how to send one patch at a time to the pc.

Any help appareciated
Daniel Forró danforcz@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
2017-06-24 06:16:16 UTC
Read Owner's Manual carefully - it's explained on the page 68.

VCED + ACED dump is sent when you select the voice in Single Play
Mode. Set Transmit Channel to 1, Receive Channel to 1, switch on

There's a mistake - SCED should be read ACED.

Another possibility would be to send ACED + VCED dump request:
F0 43 2n 7E "LM__8976AE" F7

Instrument will send actual contents of ACED and VCED edit buffers.

There's no possibility to receive data to memory banks A to D, it's
ROM (which means Read Only Memory). But you can transmit contents of
these banks as SysEx data:
- enter MIDI Control
- set Tx Ch = 1
- set Exclusive = On
- select Voice Transmit?
- Data Entry DEC/-1/No/Off will select bank to transmit
- Data Entry INC/+1/Yes/On will transmit bank

It's possible to assembly new bank in the instrument from Single
patches, but it's laborious. Send individual patches to Edit buffer
one by one, and save them to I bank successively until all 32 patches
are there.

For easier assembling the new bank from various other banks you need
Librarian software.

Good luck!

Daniel Forro
Post by ***@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
Is there a step by step instuaction guide for sending One single
patch from a tx81x to a pc via sysex. I have dozens of sysex banks
of sounds that I can make asily send to thme tx81z (I'm using midi
ox ) and arch have about 1-2 sounds I love. So I'd like to send the
bank to the TD then send one sound only back and eventually load
sounds individual to create my ideal ram kit.
As an alternative if anyone know a way to send a sysex bank to any
of the A-D banks and not overwrite i1-32 that would work too,
I only have generic sysex software, no editor' so I don mind round
about ways of doing this but can't seem to figure out how to send
one patch at a time to the pc.
Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
2017-06-24 06:34:36 UTC
<*>[Attachment(s) from Martin Tarenskeen included below]
Post by Daniel Forró ***@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
F0 43 2n 7E "LM__8976AE" F7
Yes, but this needs explanation. the "_" are actually spaces (ASCII=0x20
or 32). In MIDI-OX, for channel=1, use this dumprequest:

FO 43 20 7E 4C 4D 20 20 38 39 37 36 41 45 F7

I have attached this dumprequest as a binary file in SysEx format. You
send this to your TX81Z and fetch the data that TX81Z sends in return.
Post by Daniel Forró ***@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
For easier assembling the new bank from various other banks you need
Librarian software.
Highly recommended. By far the easiest way to go.
I can recommend DXmanager (Windows), YSEDITOR (Atari, or Windows+STeem),
4opdeluxe (Atari, STeem). If you can't find the software let us know.

Another way is to extract the single patches from the bankfiles using
TXconvert. That's a longer story. Try a TX81Z librarian/editor first.

<*>Attachment(s) from Martin Tarenskeen:

<*> 1 of 1 File(s) https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/YamahaDX/attachments/1017957439
<*> TX81Z-VCED-ACED-request.syx




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Daniel Forró danforcz@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
2017-06-24 06:21:32 UTC
Two more points:

- To receive data, Memory Protect must be Off (I suppose you know this)

- You can also save data to standard Cassette, and then there's option
to load only 1 selected patch to Edit buffer. But I suppose you don't
use Cassette interface :-)

Daniel Forro
Post by ***@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
Is there a step by step instuaction guide for sending One single
patch from a tx81x to a pc via sysex. I have dozens of sysex banks
of sounds that I can make asily send to thme tx81z (I'm using midi
ox ) and arch have about 1-2 sounds I love. So I'd like to send the
bank to the TD then send one sound only back and eventually load
sounds individual to create my ideal ram kit.
As an alternative if anyone know a way to send a sysex bank to any
of the A-D banks and not overwrite i1-32 that would work too,
I only have generic sysex software, no editor' so I don mind round
about ways of doing this but can't seem to figure out how to send
one patch at a time to the pc.
Matt Gregory mgregory22@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-06-24 14:44:38 UTC
I wrote an editor and librarian awhile back. It's free if you want to try
it: http://www.the-all.org/tx81z/programmer.html
Post by ***@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
Is there a step by step instuaction guide for sending One single patch
from a tx81x to a pc via sysex. I have dozens of sysex banks of sounds that
I can make asily send to thme tx81z (I'm using midi ox ) and arch have
about 1-2 sounds I love. So I'd like to send the bank to the TD then send
one sound only back and eventually load sounds individual to create my
ideal ram kit.
As an alternative if anyone know a way to send a sysex bank to any of the
A-D banks and not overwrite i1-32 that would work too,
I only have generic sysex software, no editor' so I don mind round about
ways of doing this but can't seem to figure out how to send one patch at a
time to the pc.
Any help appareciated
legionhwp@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-06-24 17:11:55 UTC
Thank you everyone. I tried the windows xp dx editor and it sort of works (crashes on win7 with a few quirks but at least I can get a few single patches and reboot). Will definitely try this programmer too, I don't mind the single patch save, then send, then save to bank I, etc as my eventual goal is to have a custom single bank of 32'patches and then make a regular sysex back of that.

And I totally got my s-h preset patch. Win/WIN!!

I'll be using the tz81z like in my acid/8bit sets in the future so very glad to have all that crunchy 4op back in the fold. Thanks to this group for the help getting there!
man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2017-06-24 17:05:46 UTC
I've been using your TX81Z Programmer (editor) recently, Matt. It works well. I'm probably going to stick with that for patch editing.

Re: saving a single patch as sysex:

There's also JSynthLib, which is free too, and supports some other Yamaha synths from that era - that does most things I need it to on my TX7, for example.

The patch and performance librarian functions for the TX81Z in JSynthLib work, and are fairly intuitive to use - once you figure out how :)

You can download it here:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/jsynthlib/ https://sourceforge.net/projects/jsynthlib/

Since I'm using that for the TX7, I've been using it for the TX81Z too, mostly so there's less to remember. I'm not suggesting it's better at that than Matt's program, but it is another option.

You have to set up which synth(s) you're using, configure the MIDI ports and create a new (empty) library. You then select the library window (click on it) and use Get from Path Menu, to retrieve stuff from the TX81Z, or Store to send stuff. You can specify a patch bank, or a single patch/voice.

You can import patch banks from the File menu. There's an Import all option, which is a bit confusing at first, but it lets you import an entire folder full of patch banks, and adds them to the library. It shows the folder as empty, when you do that, unless you change the file type to show sysex (a bug, I guess). Provided you know you're looking in the right folder, it doesn't really matter.

The library is one big list - new things are only added to the bottom. You can sort it, but you can't drag things where you want, as far as I know.

I'm not going to offer a step by step guide, but I think you'd figure it out fairly quickly.

The TX81Z patch editor in JSynthLib doesn't really work, at least not for me - I keep getting MIDI BUFFER FULL errors on the display, then it goes quiet. There are settings to slow down the MIDI transfer, but that doesn't seem to help.

DX Manager is definitely worth a look too.

legionhwp@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-06-27 09:06:36 UTC
Just as an update Matt's dedicate tx81z editor (linked immediately below) worked flawlessly on my win7 pc and was the easiest editor I've ever used for any synth. You get two complete working banks (which can be of any size) so you can load hundreds of patches in one, then individually audition sounds one by one. If you want you can then copy a sound from one bank to the other. I was able to load multiple dx100/27/etc full patch banks into the one side and then pick what I wanted and made a second bank of just my favorites. Then I auditioned those again and whittle it down to 32 patches for a single ram collection. You can then save that entire bank as one sysex dump (click on 'add headers') and export it. I tried just that in midi -on and it worked great.

Made a cup of coffee and spent a few hours listening and playing hundreds of old 4op patches Sunday AM thanks to this software and couldn't be happier. I mostly used it as a librarian and patch audition tool as listed above but the editor also worked well. Free on top of all that!!

Thanks Matt.

---In ***@yahoogroups.com, <***@...> wrote :

I wrote an editor and librarian awhile back. It's free if you want to try it: http://www.the-all.org/tx81z/programmer.html http://www.the-all.org/tx81z/programmer.html

On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 1:02 AM, ***@... mailto:***@... [YamahaDX] <***@yahoogroups.com mailto:***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Is there a step by step instuaction guide for sending One single patch from a tx81x to a pc via sysex. I have dozens of sysex banks of sounds that I can make asily send to thme tx81z (I'm using midi ox ) and arch have about 1-2 sounds I love. So I'd like to send the bank to the TD then send one sound only back and eventually load sounds individual to create my ideal ram kit.

As an alternative if anyone know a way to send a sysex bank to any of the A-D banks and not overwrite i1-32 that would work too,

I only have generic sysex software, no editor' so I don mind round about ways of doing this but can't seem to figure out how to send one patch at a time to the pc.

Any help appareciated
Matt Gregory mgregory22@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-06-27 13:53:36 UTC
You're welcome! I'm glad it was helpful to you. Thanks for the kind

Post by ***@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
Just as an update Matt's dedicate tx81z editor (linked immediately below)
worked flawlessly on my win7 pc and was the easiest editor I've ever used
for any synth. You get two complete working banks (which can be of any
size) so you can load hundreds of patches in one, then individually
audition sounds one by one. If you want you can then copy a sound from one
bank to the other. I was able to load multiple dx100/27/etc full patch
banks into the one side and then pick what I wanted and made a second bank
of just my favorites. Then I auditioned those again and whittle it down to
32 patches for a single ram collection. You can then save that entire bank
as one sysex dump (click on 'add headers') and export it. I tried just that
in midi -on and it worked great.
Made a cup of coffee and spent a few hours listening and playing hundreds
of old 4op patches Sunday AM thanks to this software and couldn't be
happier. I mostly used it as a librarian and patch audition tool as listed
above but the editor also worked well. Free on top of all that!!
Thanks Matt.
I wrote an editor and librarian awhile back. It's free if you want to try
it: http://www.the-all.org/tx81z/programmer.html
Is there a step by step instuaction guide for sending One single patch
from a tx81x to a pc via sysex. I have dozens of sysex banks of sounds that
I can make asily send to thme tx81z (I'm using midi ox ) and arch have
about 1-2 sounds I love. So I'd like to send the bank to the TD then send
one sound only back and eventually load sounds individual to create my
ideal ram kit.
As an alternative if anyone know a way to send a sysex bank to any of the
A-D banks and not overwrite i1-32 that would work too,
I only have generic sysex software, no editor' so I don mind round about
ways of doing this but can't seem to figure out how to send one patch at a
time to the pc.
Any help appareciated