rpcfender@yahoo.com.au [YamahaDX]
2018-05-14 06:23:00 UTC
Hi Andy. I have made a new version of the software and put it on my web site.
http://www.bwalk.com.au/TQ5_2/TQ5_2.html http://www.bwalk.com.au/TQ5_2/TQ5_2.html
Don't forget to refresh you browser or you may not see the changes to my web page.
It was Mark's BCR2000 forum on his website at Mountain Utilities I was referring to.
It is not part of Yahoo (which is why I am hanging out there) and the link is near the bottom of that page along with the file to download or...
https://mountainutilities.eu/forum https://mountainutilities.eu/forum
You should also have a look at Martin Tarenskeen's editor.
It is for Atari, but runs well under the Steam emulator.
http://home.kpn.nl/m.tarenskeen/yseditor.htm http://home.kpn.nl/m.tarenskeen/yseditor.htm
Here is a page to show you how to set it up.
http://www.tinyloops.com/doc/yamaha_tq5/YSEDITOR.html http://www.tinyloops.com/doc/yamaha_tq5/YSEDITOR.html
Let me know how you get on.
http://www.bwalk.com.au/TQ5_2/TQ5_2.html http://www.bwalk.com.au/TQ5_2/TQ5_2.html
Don't forget to refresh you browser or you may not see the changes to my web page.
It was Mark's BCR2000 forum on his website at Mountain Utilities I was referring to.
It is not part of Yahoo (which is why I am hanging out there) and the link is near the bottom of that page along with the file to download or...
https://mountainutilities.eu/forum https://mountainutilities.eu/forum
You should also have a look at Martin Tarenskeen's editor.
It is for Atari, but runs well under the Steam emulator.
http://home.kpn.nl/m.tarenskeen/yseditor.htm http://home.kpn.nl/m.tarenskeen/yseditor.htm
Here is a page to show you how to set it up.
http://www.tinyloops.com/doc/yamaha_tq5/YSEDITOR.html http://www.tinyloops.com/doc/yamaha_tq5/YSEDITOR.html
Let me know how you get on.