[YamahaDX] Re: Contacting Royce Craven?
rpcfender@yahoo.com.au [YamahaDX]
2018-05-14 06:23:00 UTC
Hi Andy. I have made a new version of the software and put it on my web site.
http://www.bwalk.com.au/TQ5_2/TQ5_2.html http://www.bwalk.com.au/TQ5_2/TQ5_2.html

Don't forget to refresh you browser or you may not see the changes to my web page.

It was Mark's BCR2000 forum on his website at Mountain Utilities I was referring to.
It is not part of Yahoo (which is why I am hanging out there) and the link is near the bottom of that page along with the file to download or...
https://mountainutilities.eu/forum https://mountainutilities.eu/forum

You should also have a look at Martin Tarenskeen's editor.
It is for Atari, but runs well under the Steam emulator.
http://home.kpn.nl/m.tarenskeen/yseditor.htm http://home.kpn.nl/m.tarenskeen/yseditor.htm

Here is a page to show you how to set it up.
http://www.tinyloops.com/doc/yamaha_tq5/YSEDITOR.html http://www.tinyloops.com/doc/yamaha_tq5/YSEDITOR.html

Let me know how you get on.
man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2018-05-14 07:03:15 UTC
That's great. Thanks, Royce.

The main patch window is still looking a bit mangled, but it looks like I can see it all, so maybe that doesn't matter. The other two windows are fine, apart from aligning the text labels on the multipart one, which really doesn't matter.

I'm guessing font scaling is at least partly the reason. I have fonts set to 125% (medium), so I can actually read things on the screen. At 100%, I'd need a magnifying glass most of the time.

I've seen a couple of things get thrown out by that - including the FM Alive DX Manager, or whatever it's called, which I never got a proper chance to try before it expired, as a result - for one thing, it told me I only had 3 days to evaluate it, instead of 30, because the zero got chopped off. I believed that, for a while... Maybe it was 2 instead of 28; I forget.

Should I transfer this conversation to the other forum? I've attached the screen shots of the new version here for reference, anyway.

I'll give it a go later, and let you know how it went.

I'd read about Martin's editor for STEEM. I thought it would probably be trouble to get the emulator running, but I may give that a go too.

Thanks again,

'John Burns' Burnsievt@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2018-05-14 12:02:30 UTC
So email Jon Morgan and get another trial period. He’s always been realistic, responsive and generous with me. Ask for another trial. He knows that sometimes you start these things and get caught up with the rest of life for a bit.

I’ve been using it for some time and if there is a bug, he comes up with a new version or lets you know what’s causing it.

Awfully easy program and looks pretty sharp. I’ve had a DX since 86 and really like this program. Gets rid of dupes as well.


From: ***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:***@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 3:03 AM
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [YamahaDX] Re: Contacting Royce Craven? [3 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from ***@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX] included below]

That's great. Thanks, Royce.

The main patch window is still looking a bit mangled, but it looks like I can see it all, so maybe that doesn't matter. The other two windows are fine, apart from aligning the text labels on the multipart one, which really doesn't matter.

I'm guessing font scaling is at least partly the reason. I have fonts set to 125% (medium), so I can actually read things on the screen. At 100%, I'd need a magnifying glass most of the time.

I've seen a couple of things get thrown out by that - including the FM Alive DX Manager, or whatever it's called, which I never got a proper chance to try before it expired, as a result - for one thing, it told me I only had 3 days to evaluate it, instead of 30, because the zero got chopped off. I believed that, for a while... Maybe it was 2 instead of 28; I forget.

Should I transfer this conversation to the other forum? I've attached the screen shots of the new version here for reference, anyway.

I'll give it a go later, and let you know how it went.

I'd read about Martin's editor for STEEM. I thought it would probably be trouble to get the emulator running, but I may give that a go too.

Thanks again,


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man.of.mystery@ntlworld.com [YamahaDX]
2018-05-14 12:45:20 UTC
I exchanged some emails about it with Jon Morgan, at the time, Burnsie (I'd forgotten his name). He didn't offer to renew the trial, so I assumed the protection system made it impossible... or that he didn't want to, for some reason.

It wasn't a question of life getting in the way. I installed it to have a look at it the day I bought my TX81Z on ebay, as I recall, but I believed it when it said I only had 2 or 3 days to evaluate it, which was less time than it took to get the module in the post.

When I looked at it again, I realized there was something screwy about it, and it still showed some time left, but not much. That gave me enough time to encounter a few more bugs, but not enough time to actually see it do anything useful to my TX81Z. I seem to remember he didn't think it was realistically fixable, for my setup. I forget the details.

I also tried JSynthLib, which worked just fine once I slowed down the MIDI exchanges quite a bit - there's a setting for that, to reduce the MIDI buffer overflow problems.

However, at the moment I'm more interested in Royce's editor because I want to be able to move knobs in real time, and hear the results - like an analog synth. I understand it's important to get visual feedback of the parameters too, especially for things like frequency ratios, or it would be hard to get much control over it.


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