[YamahaDX] New file uploaded to YamahaDX
Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
2017-08-29 19:26:42 UTC
File : /170828 2 DX-100s "Freeboards" sound and reverb tests/170828-0BachSonataFor2.mp3
Description : Sustain pedal on organ!

YamahaDX forum members,

I don't think the YamahaDX yahoogroup Files section is the right place to
upload such MP3 home recordings using DX100 presets. A better place for
such recordings would be something like Soundcloud or YouTube and then you
can (please do!) post a link and description in our YamahaDX forum if you
want to tell more about the recording that will be of interest for
YamahaDX members. For example how did you create the sounds on your DX,
which presets did you use or combine, what parameters did you change. Or
if you created your own patches: share the SysEx data, not the MP3
recordings. Or if you have questions related to your DX: feel free to ask.

I love to hear what music people play, create, and record using Yamaha DX
synths, but maybe the YamahaDX Files section is not quite the right place
to upload such recordings.

But this is just my personal opinion. I'm not the moderator of this group
and I don't make the rules here. What do other members think?
Ldcovino ldcovino@aol.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-29 20:02:20 UTC
I agree with your suggestion, Martin.  My preferred choice would be to youtube, that way we can hear the new sound.  Personally I'm unfamiliar with Soundcloud.   Thanks for bring the issue to the forefront. 

L. David Covino CFE ALHC

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Tarenskeen ***@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX] <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: YamahaDX <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tue, Aug 29, 2017 3:26 pm
Subject: Re: [YamahaDX] New file uploaded to YamahaDX
File : /170828 2 DX-100s "Freeboards" sound and reverb tests/170828-0BachSonataFor2.mp3
Description : Sustain pedal on organ!

YamahaDX forum members,

I don't think the YamahaDX yahoogroup Files section is the right place to
upload such MP3 home recordings using DX100 presets. A better place for
such recordings would be something like Soundcloud or YouTube and then you
can (please do!) post a link and description in our YamahaDX forum if you
want to tell more about the recording that will be of interest for
YamahaDX members. For example how did you create the sounds on your DX,
which presets did you use or combine, what parameters did you change. Or
if you created your own patches: share the SysEx data, not the MP3
recordings. Or if you have questions related to your DX: feel free to ask.

I love to hear what music people play, create, and record using Yamaha DX
synths, but maybe the YamahaDX Files section is not quite the right place
to upload such recordings.

But this is just my personal opinion. I'm not the moderator of this group
and I don't make the rules here. What do other members think?
Lee Borrell templarser@yahoo.co.uk [YamahaDX]
2017-08-29 20:07:19 UTC
I am apt to agree Martin - though does anyone know the filespace size in the files section? Mp3s tend to be large files.

I can understand recordings made of tape backups (sysx) etc and maybe demos of characteristics- but full trax? Better hosted on sites built for them? IMHO


From: "Martin Tarenskeen ***@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]" <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, 29 August 2017, 20:26
Subject: Re: [YamahaDX] New file uploaded to YamahaDX

File : /170828 2 DX-100s "Freeboards" sound and reverb tests/170828-0BachSonataFor2.mp3
Description : Sustain pedal on organ!

YamahaDX forum members,

I don't think the YamahaDX yahoogroup Files section is the right place to
upload such MP3 home recordings using DX100 presets. A better place for
such recordings would be something like Soundcloud or YouTube and then you
can (please do!) post a link and description in our YamahaDX forum if you
want to tell more about the recording that will be of interest for
YamahaDX members. For example how did you create the sounds on your DX,
which presets did you use or combine, what parameters did you change. Or
if you created your own patches: share the SysEx data, not the MP3
recordings. Or if you have questions related to your DX: feel free to ask.

I love to hear what music people play, create, and record using Yamaha DX
synths, but maybe the YamahaDX Files section is not quite the right place
to upload such recordings.

But this is just my personal opinion. I'm not the moderator of this group
and I don't make the rules here. What do other members think?
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'Dave Dillabough' daved@deepgreen.ca [YamahaDX]
2017-08-29 22:35:02 UTC
Hi All,

I'm one of the DX admins and the person that originally created the
DXfiles group.

For those who are new or those that don't remember Yahoo Groups' file area
size was quite restrictive and we were running out of file space for the
DX group so the new group was created solely to expand the file area.

Since then Yahoo has increased the file area size to 2GB so both the DX
and DXfile groups have a lot more free space. BTW if you scroll down to
the bottom of the file area it will show you how much space is free.

I agree that other sites dedicated to audio is a better fit for
recordings. However the problem that I have seen many times is when
someone links photos/recordings etc. to their account on another site and
when I follow that link it no longer exists usually because the person's
account no longer exists.

One of the main values of this group is the tremendous amount of
information available to new members. It has been running for a long time
now and people do move on. It would be a shame to have links to resources
on other sites that no longer exist.

My opinion would be to keep the files here for now and watch the space. We
can always move them if we start to run out of space again.

Another alternative would be to create a Soundcloud or similar account for
the group and have the admins manage it. I don't think that any of us are
looking for more work so I would rather not go this way unless space
becomes an issue.

So basically wait and see.

Any other thoughts?

Post by Martin Tarenskeen ***@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
File : /170828 2 DX-100s "Freeboards" sound and reverb
Description : Sustain pedal on organ!
YamahaDX forum members,
I don't think the YamahaDX yahoogroup Files section is the right place to
upload such MP3 home recordings using DX100 presets. A better place for
such recordings would be something like Soundcloud or YouTube and then you
can (please do!) post a link and description in our YamahaDX forum if you
want to tell more about the recording that will be of interest for
YamahaDX members. For example how did you create the sounds on your DX,
which presets did you use or combine, what parameters did you change. Or
if you created your own patches: share the SysEx data, not the MP3
recordings. Or if you have questions related to your DX: feel free to ask.
I love to hear what music people play, create, and record using Yamaha DX
synths, but maybe the YamahaDX Files section is not quite the right place
to upload such recordings.
But this is just my personal opinion. I'm not the moderator of this group
and I don't make the rules here. What do other members think?
teovincent4@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-30 18:37:23 UTC
Hi Dave and all,

Wow Dave I LOVE YOU! Your group here has helped me SO IMMENSELY! I got a patch editor and many links to patches which I'm still not through reviewing, and well being a sort of discussion forum founder and also Yahoo groups creator I really really appreciate what you've done here! Woohoo! U R N Angel!!!

I DID ask before, because the last thing I want to do is put things somewhere improperly or impolitely or well, take up too much space!

I agree it is a drag when a YouTube link is dead, and I figured I saw the 2GB free below and if I made a mess someone would let me know..

Personally I like them as attachments, I can say what they are about, but dumping (wrong word obviously) in the files area seems the most useful since a post / topic will disappear, so I'm thinking keeping them organized in folders is best. Unless I'm suggested not to, that's what I'll do. I use MP3 because they are 1/10 the size.

I have to say, Andy and the other great people in here actually inspired me to record the last set, it is nice that SOMEONE is listening! I think I'm getting somewhere with the patch selections: Plucked Guitar for bass and probably a nice organ for right hand, or the Strings but I have to edit them and get rid of the vibrato. - Later I'll set their BREATH CONTROLLER to do vibrato or something, and well, having someone to share this development with is so great I can't thank you all enough!

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
2017-08-30 19:29:26 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
I agree it is a drag when a YouTube link is dead, and I figured I saw the 2GB free below and if I made a mess someone would let me know..
Personally I like them as attachments, I can say what they are about, but dumping (wrong word obviously) in the files area seems the most useful
since a post / topic will disappear, so I'm thinking keeping them organized in folders is best. Unless I'm suggested not to, that's what I'll do.
I use MP3 because they are 1/10 the size.
In my opinion the files section is best for files that we don't want to
disappear and that are important to the YamahaDX forum comminity. I
suggest that if you create 100 different versions of a recording, you keep
the latest version(s) and delete the oldest version(s). At the end the
recording can stay there if you think it is really a good showcase of what
a DX synth can do.

Personally I don't mind to find dead links to non-existing YouTube videos
in old forum messages and e-mails. Discussions in forums and mailing
lists come and go.
Post by ***@gmail.com [YamahaDX]
I have to say, Andy and the other great people in here actually inspired
me to record the last set, it is nice that SOMEONE is listening!
And I have to say: Even if I still don't think the YamahaDX forum's Files
section is the best place to store complete tracks of recorded music, your
enthusiasm ís inspiring. It reminds us that, no matter how much we all
love our Yamaha DX synths, it means nothing without playing and creating
and recording music with them!
Daniel Forró danforcz@yahoo.com [YamahaDX]
2017-08-30 07:10:41 UTC
I think the same.

Daniel Forro
Post by Martin Tarenskeen ***@zonnet.nl [YamahaDX]
YamahaDX forum members,
I don't think the YamahaDX yahoogroup Files section is the right place to
upload such MP3 home recordings using DX100 presets. A better place for
such recordings would be something like Soundcloud or YouTube and then you
can (please do!) post a link and description in our YamahaDX forum if you
want to tell more about the recording that will be of interest for
YamahaDX members. For example how did you create the sounds on your DX,
which presets did you use or combine, what parameters did you change. Or
if you created your own patches: share the SysEx data, not the MP3
recordings. Or if you have questions related to your DX: feel free to ask.
I love to hear what music people play, create, and record using Yamaha DX
synths, but maybe the YamahaDX Files section is not quite the right place
to upload such recordings.
But this is just my personal opinion. I'm not the moderator of this group
and I don't make the rules here. What do other members think?